Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love and simplicity

Love is not a simple concept is it? There are so many kinds of love: love for your children, your husband or wife, your lover, family, friends and so much more........

We say we love all kinds of people and things but what do we mean by love?

Do we mean unconditional love? Or are we attached to the person or the thing being a certain way to give our love?

If there is passion is it necessarily love?

If there is attachment to the object of our love or dependency what will it mean if that object is no longer there to fulfill our need?

Do we love our idealised version or the real thing? Do we try to make it fit with what we think it should be to enable us to love?

Can love change to something different like warm affection without diminishing or demeaning the object?

Why is it that we can love someone then not even like them later?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Or tried to define love? It can help to simplify love if we understand it through examination but it can be difficult and maybe confronting.......

1 comment:

  1. Good Question Diana.....Perhaps Love is simply connected to our senses....things that make you go mmmmm! Every person has likes and dislikes, all controlled by their "make up" and given DNA. I love the sound of oyster shells clinking together, she smell of old books, the feel of a horses nose....why! because I just do....when you meet a person, your "senses" kick in and your chemestry starts either click with that person or you dont...the positive is likes and loves, the negative is dislikes and in some cases hate..all to to with your senses!
    Who knows! but whatever it is, its a nice thing to have!!!....see you in Italy :-)....ciao,Tess x x x
